Freelance your way to freedom

About the author : Clifford

Clifford Jones is the founder and managing partner of Clarity Strategic Advisors, LLC, a business advisory company focused on training, leadership, and business development. He is the co-author of four books, author of an award-winning blog, an inspired speaker and the creator of the Clarity Strategic Action Planning Blueprint. You can connect with him at

This article is about using freelancing to get your dream job. (It’s an edited version of the video transcription.)

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Freelance your way to freedom, too!

Freelancing is working as an independent contractor to sell what you know. For example, I write, teach, integrate certain technologies, coach, and consult (business owners, executives, freelancers). That’s what I’ve done as a freelancer for 15 years and I do that through my LLC called Clarity Strategic Advisors. 

The main reason I love to freelance and the reason I’m encouraging you to consider evaluating freelancing jobs is you can make a living while you look until you get your dream job. Or maybe freelancing will be forevers because freelancing gives you the potential to get income faster than you might be able to get your dream job.

So while you’re hunting for your dream job what I’m suggesting is that you build your awareness around the massive potential to sell your talents to decision-makers. These would be hiring decision-makers in small to big companies. All sorts of companies and organizations hire freelance talent. In the process (of searching for your dream job while freelancing) you establish trust and build rapport with the people that you’re working within the company or organization that’s hired you as a freelancer. Then you use that experience to find new opportunities and new work within that organization.

Three Tips Based On Experience

Here are three things that will help you get on track to identify potentially freelance projects selling what you know while you’re looking for your dream job. Remember, in that process, you’re able to make money.

First, know what it is you love to do. Know what you want to do. If you’re not sure about what you want to do, maybe someone like I or a career counselor that you know can guide you to figure out what color your parachute is. Here’s a book by a similar title.

Or, learn how to reinvent yourself and how to focus on developing your professional satisfaction. Think about what gives you energy when you work versus what takes energy away. That’s a simple indicator if the work you’re doing is sustainable because if you don’t like the work you’re doing and it’s taking energy away from you, chances are you’re not going to be very good at it or do a very good job.  Know what you want to do and be good at it. Be willing to constantly improve.

Second, search for your dream job and look for freelancing projects. If I look at your LinkedIn profile and it says “in transition,” what do you think I and others might think? You have to craft your positioning in a way that makes what you do for others compelling enough to want to learn more about you.

Potential Downside?

What’s the one potential downside should you not want to freelance forever, assuming you find your dream job. Here’s how I look at it. Did I make as much money as my corporate buddies who travel 80 percent of the time? No, because those guys get paid a big fat salary benefits and you know what, that’s not for me. I consider myself relatively unemployable in a traditional way and I have since I was 30 and that was about almost 30 years ago. I live freely with my time.

This is why I’m very passionate about the freelancing business. It’s the time freedom it gives us and the potential to earn as much as you want. The average freelancer is making $28 an hour. (The more value you deliver, the more you can charge.) This means if you know what it is you want to do and you know you get energy from it, and if you’re willing to search for those projects, you can find work. Use LinkedIn,,, or Those are a few of the online communities that you can search for and find and connect with and develop a profile as a professional freelancer and see what’s going on in the community. Build relationships and learn the world of freelancing. (Yes I coach freelancers in groups and one-on-one, however, the truth is you can learn much of this on your own if you’re willing.  

So, number one is to know what it is you do best because it gives you energy. Number two, hunt for freelancing projects while you’re searching for your dream job. Third, and this is very important never stop believing in yourself I know how frustrating it can be to be underemployed to not be generating any income to feel like you got downsized, outsized, burned out, or whatever it was. Being in transition is uncomfortable. 

People around us have expectations. We have expectations. We beat ourselves up unduly. I know. I speak for my own experience in that regard and the truth is when we are underemployed, especially when we’re looking for our dream job, if we understand the power and potential of all the freelance work that’s out there billions of dollars in freelance projects, we can get work until we find a dream job if that’s the goal for you.

Small Business. Big Opportunity.

There are 60 million freelancers in America. Look at the statistics of freelancing. More people in America over the decade ahead will be freelancers than full-time normal employees and there are a lot of reasons that I won’t go into it at this time. However, just know the business of freelance work is booming.

In closing, if you know how to program, integrate, code, design, coach, teach, run communities, provide customer service or remote sales, there are many opportunities for you to get freelance projects that are in the sweet spot. This can be work that gives you energy at an hourly or project/rate basis. You build new relationships while you’re making money instead of being discouraged and unsure of yourself and in doubt and fear and not taking the forward action you need to take. Because nothing is more important than focus and follow-up once you have these three pieces in place.

You know what it is you do. You know who you’re going after and you’re going after them. And you’re going to continue believing in yourself. You’re going to relentlessly follow-up politely. You’re not gonna be a psychopath about it, but very few people follow up well in the course of selling themselves or their product or service.

If you don’t think you’re in sales, I assure you that everyone’s in sales even though we all elements of head trash about it. You’re selling yourself and if you’re selling yourself as a freelancer and you’re freelancing your way to time freedom and making the kind of income you want, know it can be done. It’s not easy. I assure you. However, it’s not so easy getting your dream job either.

If you want to learn more about how to freelance your way to freedom check out my free webinar by clicking here. It’s about an hour-long. I give you the truth about my experience as a freelance knowledge worker for the last 15 years or so. I love being a freelancer. I teach people how to freelance and you’ll see me writing about it more.
If you want to connect with me for a conversation just follow up at

About the author : Clifford

Clifford Jones is the founder and managing partner of Clarity Strategic Advisors, LLC, a business advisory company focused on training, leadership, and business development. He is the co-author of four books, author of an award-winning blog, an inspired speaker and the creator of the Clarity Strategic Action Planning Blueprint. You can connect with him at

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