About the author : Clifford

Clifford Jones is the founder and managing partner of Clarity Strategic Advisors, LLC, a business advisory company focused on training, leadership, and business development. He is the co-author of four books, author of an award-winning blog, an inspired speaker and the creator of the Clarity Strategic Action Planning Blueprint. You can connect with him at CliffordJones.com.

When it comes to getting enough new customers to fuel your pipeline and cash flow, what does it take to go to market with confidence?

If life is a game of confidence, then building and succeeding in the small business world could be the Olympics. It’s not easy to start, fund and build and successful business. It takes capital, hard work, sales, marketing and more.

Follow these steps and never stop learning how to optimize the ROI on your sales and marketing investments. After all, investing in the growth of your small business could be the best investment of all. But you need to make sure you have the best people, products and process to go-to-market consistently with confidence.

  1. Create a written plan of action for success.
  2. Focus on one business goal at a time.
  3. Be clear on your vision.
  4. Be clear on your purpose.
  5. Know your strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats.
  6. Define your ideal customer.
  7. Know your customer’s pain.
  8. Solve your customer’s pain.
  9. Commit to your values for excellence.
  10. Build a bold brand identity.
  11. Craft a compelling story.
  12. Invest in marketing that works.
  13. Sell and enroll new customers.
  14. Deliver the promise – fulfill.
  15. Celebrate the lessons learned.
  16. Measure, review results, learn, adapt.
  17. Build a business financial fortress.
  18. Build a personal financial fortress.
  19. Celebrate a life of wealth and significance.

If any of these go-to-market plan elements look familiar to you from past business and marketing plans, that’s okay. The key is to make your business plan, especially if it’s for internal use only, and not for raising new capital, then make it a living, breathing document that you and your people can easily manage and update for each, new stage of growth.

The truth is lots of people set goals to own a business, grow a business, etc. But most small business owners get too stuck working “in” their business, not “on” it. This is one reason millions of small businesses remain small – not enough time to work on refining strategy, plan, tactics, results tracking or the other essential elements for sales, marketing and small business success.

Got a question or comment about how to go-to-market with more confidence?

I always appreciate your comments and questions posted here on the blog, or contact me through the website, email or social media.

About the author : Clifford

Clifford Jones is the founder and managing partner of Clarity Strategic Advisors, LLC, a business advisory company focused on training, leadership, and business development. He is the co-author of four books, author of an award-winning blog, an inspired speaker and the creator of the Clarity Strategic Action Planning Blueprint. You can connect with him at CliffordJones.com.

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